
An increasing gap between economic and regulatory aspects

Investors to their service providers: Level up your understanding!

Know your clients


“Verständnis für das regulatorische Umfeld des Anlegers immer wichtiger”

One of the most valuable takeaways from the BAI 2023 conference in Frankfurt was a German Corporate Pension Fund's description of the increasing gap between economic and regulatory aspects within the investor community in Germany, and the difficulty it causes for them as investors. He referenced that these difficulties are not becoming less but more significant, and it is one of the key reasons for greater consolidation of few managers and larger mandates.

As a consequence, the investor was encouraging and asking the fund management community and their service anbieter to show the same level of understanding (”Verständnis fuer das regulatorische Umfeld des Anlegers immer wichtiger” /”Know-how”), and level up business development efforts to specifically address that gap for investors.

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