Mobler 4918

What's in the name?

The raw, smooth rocks of the Swedish west coast with the huge open sea in front of them inspires a sense of calm but at the same time respect for the great giant that the sea provides and its forces, especially in the form of wind during the fall and winter.

While the name "Lapposand" may sound and evoke thoughts of Lappland, it is actually a beautiful bay situated on the west coast of Sweden in the outer archipelago of Gothenburg, specifically on the western side of the Island of Hönö. Lapposand stands out as one of the few bays that provide convenient access to the ocean for both local residents and adventurous tourists.

Fundraising can be daunting, but you must dip your toes in the ocean and get started. It is a bit like taking the plunge into the unknown and the big wide ocean. Once you get in, it gets easier. And it is good to take advice from someone local for guidance.


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